Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

The argument over visual arguments.
Chapter 14

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover.  I think many of us have heard this quote before.  Presentation is everything in this world, content is only a minimal part of anything we do.  Shakespeare once said, "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" and while technically true, people would be less inclined to get there loves "thorn weeds" on Valentine's Day.  In writing, the medium of the content is more important than the actual content.  A report on the quantum mechanics of sub atomic particles in a vacuum would be less impressive if published by Sports Illustrated.  Quickly establish your authority on an issue, use a font with serifs to show your professionalism, adequately space your lines so the document is easy to read, all of these things will greatly help your writing when presenting something in a professional manner.

Ideas for WP1
I care greatly for the internet and internet rights.  I would do an argument and visual aid for why the media industries are incorrect in their method of fighting online piracy.

The one referred to as Joshua Clah

The specimen we will be discussing today is a creature named Joshua Christian Clah.  Six foot tall, 135 lbs, short black hair, light brown hide color and a sense of contemporary style.  He wears glasses but our readings show that he has perfect vision, of which we can infer he is a hipster and or pretentious.  A human being whose social interactions have been observed as quiet, is just a facade to hide his true intentions.  He has received training in public speaking, interrogations, and subordinate interactions making him better at conversational skills than he outwardly appears.  The subject spends his time at "Arizona State University", "Fry's Food Store 23", and "Sleeping".  Other smaller amounts of "leisure time" are used with his associates doing activities such as playing "video games", writing computer code, participating in a violent sport called "paintball", and a physical activity called "Rock Climbing" which he does with his current mate "Kass".  Included in our full report is a map of all of his movements in the past two weeks.  While our current study is lacking in specimen with a technological background, the erratic behavior of the subject and the training in conversational skills make him a poor candidate for the indoctrination process.

This scout recommends a change in target as this one poses more of a hassle than is worth for closer study.  I am informally closing this file until a later date.