Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

The argument over visual arguments.
Chapter 14

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover.  I think many of us have heard this quote before.  Presentation is everything in this world, content is only a minimal part of anything we do.  Shakespeare once said, "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" and while technically true, people would be less inclined to get there loves "thorn weeds" on Valentine's Day.  In writing, the medium of the content is more important than the actual content.  A report on the quantum mechanics of sub atomic particles in a vacuum would be less impressive if published by Sports Illustrated.  Quickly establish your authority on an issue, use a font with serifs to show your professionalism, adequately space your lines so the document is easy to read, all of these things will greatly help your writing when presenting something in a professional manner.

Ideas for WP1
I care greatly for the internet and internet rights.  I would do an argument and visual aid for why the media industries are incorrect in their method of fighting online piracy.

The one referred to as Joshua Clah

The specimen we will be discussing today is a creature named Joshua Christian Clah.  Six foot tall, 135 lbs, short black hair, light brown hide color and a sense of contemporary style.  He wears glasses but our readings show that he has perfect vision, of which we can infer he is a hipster and or pretentious.  A human being whose social interactions have been observed as quiet, is just a facade to hide his true intentions.  He has received training in public speaking, interrogations, and subordinate interactions making him better at conversational skills than he outwardly appears.  The subject spends his time at "Arizona State University", "Fry's Food Store 23", and "Sleeping".  Other smaller amounts of "leisure time" are used with his associates doing activities such as playing "video games", writing computer code, participating in a violent sport called "paintball", and a physical activity called "Rock Climbing" which he does with his current mate "Kass".  Included in our full report is a map of all of his movements in the past two weeks.  While our current study is lacking in specimen with a technological background, the erratic behavior of the subject and the training in conversational skills make him a poor candidate for the indoctrination process.

This scout recommends a change in target as this one poses more of a hassle than is worth for closer study.  I am informally closing this file until a later date.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

INTERNETS, 18th of January 2012. PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Over a century ago Thomas Edison got the patent for a device which would "do for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear". He called it the Kinetoscope. He was not only amongst the first to record video, he was also the first person to own the copyright to a motion picture. Because of Edisons patents for the motion pictures it was close to financially impossible to create motion pictures in the North american east coast. The movie studios therefor relocated to California, and founded what we today call Hollywood. The reason was mostly because there was no patent. There was also no copyright to speak of, so the studios could copy old stories and make movies out of them - like Fantasia, one of Disneys biggest hits ever. So, the whole basis of this industry, that today is screaming about losing control over immaterial rights, is that they circumvented immaterial rights. They copied (or put in their terminology: "stole") other peoples creative works, without paying for it. They did it in order to make a huge profit. Today, they're all successful and most of the studios are on the Fortune 500 list of the richest companies in the world. Congratulations - it's all based on being able to re-use other peoples creative works. And today they hold the rights to what other people create. If you want to get something released, you have to abide to their rules. The ones they created after circumventing other peoples rules. The reason they are always complainting about "pirates" today is simple. We've done what they did. We circumvented the rules they created and created our own. We crushed their monopoly by giving people something more efficient. We allow people to have direct communication between eachother, circumventing the profitable middle man, that in some cases take over 107% of the profits (yes, you pay to work for them). It's all based on the fact that we're competition. We've proven that their existance in their current form is no longer needed. We're just better than they are. And the funny part is that our rules are very similar to the founding ideas of the USA. We fight for freedom of speech. We see all people as equal. We believe that the public, not the elite, should rule the nation. We believe that laws should be created to serve the public, not the rich corporations. The Pirate Bay is truly an international community. The team is spread all over the globe - but we've stayed out of the USA. We have Swedish roots and a swedish friend said this: The word SOPA means "trash" in Swedish. The word PIPA means "a pipe" in Swedish. This is of course not a coincidence. They want to make the internet inte a one way pipe, with them at the top, shoving trash through the pipe down to the rest of us obedient consumers. The public opinion on this matter is clear. Ask anyone on the street and you'll learn that noone wants to be fed with trash. Why the US government want the american people to be fed with trash is beyond our imagination but we hope that you will stop them, before we all drown. SOPA can't do anything to stop TPB. Worst case we'll change top level domain from our current .org to one of the hundreds of other names that we already also use. In countries where TPB is blocked, China and Saudi Arabia springs to mind, they block hundreds of our domain names. And did it work? Not really. To fix the "problem of piracy" one should go to the source of the problem. The entertainment industry say they're creating "culture" but what they really do is stuff like selling overpriced plushy dolls and making 11 year old girls become anorexic. Either from working in the factories that creates the dolls for basically no salary or by watching movies and tv shows that make them think that they're fat. In the great Sid Meiers computer game Civilization you can build Wonders of the world. One of the most powerful ones is Hollywood. With that you control all culture and media in the world. Rupert Murdoch was happy with MySpace and had no problems with their own piracy until it failed. Now he's complainting that Google is the biggest source of piracy in the world - because he's jealous. He wants to retain his mind control over people and clearly you'd get a more honest view of things on Wikipedia and Google than on Fox News. Some facts (years, dates) are probably wrong in this press release. The reason is that we can't access this information when Wikipedia is blacked out. Because of pressure from our failing competitors. We're sorry for that. THE PIRATE BAY, (K)2012

My feelings